给搜索引擎下一个定义是非常困难的。一千个人就有一千个搜索引擎:有人认为搜索引擎就是百度,有人认为搜索引擎就是 Google,有人认为搜索引擎就是 Yahoo。如果非要给个定义,就让我们来看看微软大百科全书(MSN Encarta)是怎么定义搜索引擎的吧:Search Engine, software program that helps users find information stored on a personal computer, or a network of computers, such as the Internet. A user enters search terms,typically by typing a keyword or phrase, and the search engine retrieves a list of World Wide Web (WWW) sites, personal computer files, or documents, either by scanning the content stored on the computers or computer networks being searched or by parsing(analyzing) an index of their stored data.